Saturday, February 16, 2008

GIT will never apologize...and mean it

Show me evidence of my having done any of these and I will gladly apologise. But you do not accept apologies, do you Honesty, unless someone surrenders all religious opinions and conforms to yours. You are beyond reason, because you are a liar who does not confront his own untruths.

Where's the evidence that I "swear with regularity". There is none. Yet you will never acknowledge your sin. For you to say you have walked away from legalism into grace is a colossal joke, and I'm sure others know it too. You are two-fold more a Pharisee than ever you were in the Fellowship. I find you empty, sad, and not a nice person. You sum intellect consists of finger pointing at others.

All of the points I made are novel to you Honesty. Yet you will not answer the simple question for to do so would condemn yourself. You are the worst kind of liar - the one who lies not only to others and ABOUT others, but also, apparently, unto himself.

"Honesty". Irony.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Thou monumental hypocrite!

Your posting history speaks of obsession. You follow me around this board like a psycho - that's bullying. Can you show me a post you have made where you demonstrated kindness to someone else on the TMB? No you can't. I've READ your 400+ posts and cannot find a single example.

The honest truth is that you're a monumental hypocrite, and an untruthful person who poses as the exemplar of high virtue.

You're fighting the demons in your own life on the TMB. Your professing family and friends probably don't interact with you in the way you'd like; you probably have strained relationships with them. So you spew your frustrations onto the TMB by targetting one person (me) to virtually the exclusion of all else.

You walked away from legalism into grace, yet you the most loathesome person I've ever had the misfortune to meet via to the TMB. I know I am by no means perfect, and I have confessed to that in the past and will do so again in the future. But you, my friend, have deep issues.

But I am happy to be the target in lieu of your real frustrations in life. Bring it on - take down the nasty, hateful, unloving, bulling, cruel, windbagging, emperor's footsoldier 2x2!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Those ignorant exes!

Try actually moving your eyeballs across the screen. I wasn't the one who posted reams of guff about what a parenthesis is. I KNOW what a parenthesis is. And I am right on this issue. Regrettably, as I have pointed out in the past, the general ignorance among some exes is great, especially on educational issues. Apparently we have posters with a knowledge of punctuation symbology equivalent of a fourth former.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Exe-mentality and closed ears

You started listening with the exe-mentality, sifting through the words to glom onto anything that looked like judgement. Our perceptions are coloured by our biases. I find it strange that I can sit through a mission meeting and hear nothing but the glorification of Jesus, and I can talk to my sister or my mother abotu the wonderful things we have heard, and yet an exe can sit through the same meeting and hear nothing but "evil speakings". It is as if their ears are closed.

Those embittered exes!

How different from the embittered exes! (Exes remember, fall into several categories - not all are embittered, but some have fallen into this sin). The hate-filled ones who NEVER recommend people "going and seeing" for themselves, but who work actively to prevent people from going and hearing the gospel. People who brood over muck and are stuck, like a gramophone needle, on the same few notes. Read the testimonies of the exes - nothing about their mystic experience with Christ; just sad, hostile garbage. Belligerent, overgrown adolescents, so many of them.

Pump Suckers

Exes who suck from the sump pump in their spirituality have not found the truth. They have not discovered the mystic essence of the Faith. They have simply become obsessed with form, and are no more or less than modern incarnations of pharisaism.

Parenthetically Speaking...

Quotation marks ARE a form of parenthesis.

...referring to a word in quotation marks.