Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Feigned Innocence and other delusions

The difference between my assertions and your claims, is that what I say is provable and self-evidently true, whereas your claims are a species of speculation; assumption of a god-like insight into other people's souls...

On the other hand, my assertions are indisputable fact.

I'm sorry for the nastiness and the role I have played in it. I offer no excuse or self-justification. I have been wrong. And I have acted totally inappropriately. [even though GIT never stops]

When a man speaks with judgement and self-righteousness, he speaks his native language because inwardly he is morally deficient and therefore needs to assume virtues by pretence.

I am used to be confused with other people - all the sins of the world I bear upon my shoulders!

I am accustomed to being misread, having outrageous lines drawn between imaginary dots without the slightest evidence from my posts,